Big Island Hat Trick
The strong winds, and the need of a break from the Monkey cage, blew me to the Big Island.
Since Alex usually uses this forum as his flight log, and the fact that I left my log book behind, I will post this quick brief...
Wednesday, April 7 - Para-waited on a grassy, comfortable, relaxing LZ it didn't look epic, Don flew the Buzz 3, Scoty had to get to the dentist, I was getting hungry. I was the last to launch and it was looking like rain. I flew for 12 minutes, landed at the Brown Spot, and waited for the rest to land. Getting re-acquainted with the LZ was a good confidence builder for my first flight here in a while.
Thursday - Took a break.
Friday, April 9 - Had a good long flight, 45 minutes, in thermals it feels like alot longer. Hit over 2 grand and cored my first Big Island thermal, flew to the edge of Captain Cook Bay, even got religion and had my first Church landing. Oops - that doesn't count as Beer First for the Reaper Cooler, does it?
Saturday, April 10 - Headed out early. First flight was boaty 12 minute trip to the Brown Spot with a landing filmed my Neily Bird, which I hope to get some copies of.
Second flight was 35 minutes of bouncing and coring and hit 2400 feet. I was looking down at Big Island Don, but that did not last long. I hit some big sink and he harnessed some cranking lift, the tide changed and he moved toward the Bay with over 2800 feet. I decided to give another shot at the Brown spot and there was a ride there to get back to the top. Third flight, only 10 minutes but a Hat Trick. clouds were rolling in on launch and Big Island John and I scooted out for our last flights. I came here for launch, coring and landing training and today it was there.
After landing my Hat Trick, an I'o, the Hawaiian Hawk, pictured above, was perched in tree on the way into Keith's to fold up. I think he said "Wasn't that just awesome?!".
Sunday, April 11, 2 flights, no church but 2 good set ups and landings on the Brown spot, 1st flight got to 1800 for 17 minutes. The 2nd went to 2100 for a 27 minute flight. Don did not go to church either but did go to school with an other awesome 1 hour plus flight.
I have found thermal flying to be challenging, it is like fishing, once you hook one you try to reel into it. It is tiring and a heck of a work out.
When the winds get strong on Oahu, don't forget there is an awesome flying site here on the Big Island. Thanks to the BISA; Charlie, Gene, Sammy, Gary, Scotty, Greg, Bill, "Neily Bird", Big Island John, Moku, Rodger and Big Island Don.
That's all for now.